Navigating imposter mindset

In recent blogs, I’ve explored the idea that imposter mindset may come from internal or external sources.

The conclusion was, as with most things, that is was not a dichotomy but a spectrum. Yes, we can have traits and pre-conditions that put us in the frame for the imposter mindset. External factors can also exacerbate or impose the mindset.

Pragmatically, let’s move onto the “so what” (solution-seeking bias of a coach 100% in evidence there!).

Coaching the journey out of an imposter mindset

Choice time. We can either “start with the why” á la Simon Sinek or we can use John Amaechi’s lighthouse and torch analogy.

Start with the why is understanding your reason, for as Nietzsche said:

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how”

In the lighthouse and torch analogy, the lighthouse is our vision, our long term direction of travel, and the torch is the immediate and next steps.

What a choice.

Let’s make the smallest decision possible: to do both

What is the why?

Why address the need to evolve from an imposter mindset? Why would we want a balanced mindset that is neither imposter nor arrogant?

That’s a loaded question!

It comes back to values. Is the imposter mindset helping or hindering your ability to manifest your core values? If it is hindering, read on. If you feel the imposter mindset is of benefit, then continue on as you are doing. Come back if you change your mind – we’ll be here.

The “why” here is our core why. The very purpose of our lives. Know what that is? Life is better when you do, it is worth knowing. Just check it also – it does evolve with time.

Core values as the lighthouse

Ok, how about the lighthouse here – where are we navigating to? This question could be answered in the specific – a role, a goal, any achievement. It could also be answered in the general: better, more balanced, more effective.

How about if we are navigating back to our core values? My personal journey is exactly that at the moment, after decades of mental ill health, the gift of the life saving therapy I have received has left me able to re-identify, reconnect & re-align with my core values. The therapy has been life saving, and aligning to my core values has been life-changing.

Knowing my core values keeps me on the path to manifesting them. Kindness is my core value and it manifests most authentically when I am helping others develop amd grow (yes, that’s why I’m a coach and educator). Can you imagine the power of knowing this? It’s quite simply: not feeling lost.

Mindful choices as the torch

What’s the next step? Look at what is in front of you. Prepare, orient, and behave. Prepare to act, orient to those around you and act by manifesting the optimal behaviour. This is your tactical, immediate next step. Do it mindfully. Mindfulness – that pause that converts an instinctual reaction into a considered action – helps us navigate authentically aligned to our core values.

Coaching the gap

No, not mind the gap – that’s a whole other thing! Coaching the gap is how a client can be supported to widen the gap between a mindless (instinctual) reaction and a mindful action. There are many tools that can be used here, and they can be viewed as skills. Skills that need work. Work to start the journey as well as maintain it.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be writing further on how some of these tools/skills (no spoilers) have helped. Many of these tools/skills have helped on multiple levels of my journey – and those of my clients.


Coaching Openness


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