Is getting promoted coachable?

Executive Coaching across science and art

The beauty of the aurora borealis has been visible further south than usual in recent days.

Its majestic beauty is pure art, the understanding of its science.

Coaches straddling processes and style

It is perfectly possible to hold art and science together. Doing so is a nuance of mastery, of accomplishment of a balanced approach. In seeking selection for promotion, the science elements are around the predictable processes. The art is in how they are accomplished.

It is not sufficient to demonstrate the “what” of the process, but deliver on the “how” you come across in the instructions. Getting promoted is thus a mix of science (the what) and art (the how). The art of knowing yourself, picking the right role to seek, then the science of getting short listed, culminating in the art of your interview performance.

Executive Coaching is being of service

Executive coaches should not have their own agendas, they do not “push” in this way. Instead, they support their client’s development and understanding. Problem solving, deepening insights and perspective shifting are all possible with executive coaching.

In contrast, is the sports coach, who has expertise and skills to share. Executive coaching can be a challenge when the client’s domain is one that is known or understood by the coach. It requires highly developed self awareness on the part of the coach to not allow their own experiences and biases impact the coaching. This is being of service as an executive coach.

So, how can it be possible to use coaching to enhance the understanding of the science elements of getting THAT role? I don’t think you can. To navigate the predictable processes requires knowledge and skills. An executive coach could help a client see the gap, for the client to then go on with insight to address those particular development needs.

Executive coaching isn’t always enough

Hear me out here, I am not suggesting coaching isn’t the most powerful leadership tool in my arsenal – it absolutely is. Coaching is at one end of a spectrum of client development which includes mentoring, sponsoring & even teaching.

If executive coaching doesn’t cover all the ground, then what does?

The executive coach’s toolbox

In a recent blog, ( Click here) I explored how a successful leader must have a range of leadership skills/styles to adapt to the situation. Leadership is about change which means changing environments and contexts. In the same way, coaching a client to promotion or selection success requires some additional modalities.

Free support for career coaching

At An Turas, we have developed some collateral materials to support the journeys of our clients to promotional success. In fact, we even make some available for all to test out some of these ideas. Available on this page: Click here

Take a look and let us know what you think.

Executive coaching as a powerful journey

There are multiple journeys underway here – both yours, as well as our own. Executive coaches are not static, “made it” beings, we are evolving on our own paths of professional development. This is one of the things that makes of optimal service to our clients who are seeking support for change – we continue to live our own life long learning journeys.

There is power in that, there really is.


Navigating imposter mindset


Coaching in the presence of an imposter mindset